


A cardiac event monitor is a device that you control to record the electrical activity of your heart (ECG). 这个装置和寻呼机差不多大. 它记录你的心率和节奏.

心脏事件监测器 are used when you need long-term monitoring of symptoms that occur less than daily.


Ambulatory electrocardiography; Electrocardiography (ECG) - ambulatory; Continuous electrocardiograms (EKGs); Holter monitors; Transtelephonic event monitors


每种类型的监视器都略有不同, but most have sensors (called electrodes) to record 你的心电图. In some models, these attach to the skin on your chest using sticky patches. 传感器需要与你的皮肤良好接触. 不良的接触会导致不良的结果.

You should keep your skin free from oils, creams, and sweat (as much as possible). The technician who places the monitor will perform the following to get a good ECG recording:

  • Men will have the area on their chest shaved where the electrode patches will be placed.
  • The area of skin where the electrodes will be attached will be cleaned with alcohol before the sensors are attached.

You can carry or wear a cardiac event monitor up to 30 days. You carry the device in your hand, wear on your wrist, or keep it in your pocket. Event monitors can be worn for weeks or until symptoms occur.


  • 循环存储器监视器. 电极还连着你的胸部, 监视器不停地记录, 却不能拯救, 你的心电图. 当你有症状时, you press a button to activate the device. The device will then save the ECG from shortly before, 在, 在你出现症状后的一段时间. Some event monitors start on their own if they detect abnormal heart rhythms.
  • 现象事件监视器. This device records 你的心电图 only when symptoms occur, not before they occur. You carry this device in a pocket or wear it on your wrist. 当你有症状时, you turn on the device and place the electrodes on your chest to record the ECG.
  • 补丁录音机. 这种监视器不使用电线或电极. It continuously monitors ECG activity for 14 days using an adhesive patch that sticks to the chest.
  • 植入式回路记录仪. This is a small monitor that is implanted under the skin on the chest. It can be left in place to monitor heart rhythms for 3 or more years.


  • You should continue your normal activities while wearing the monitor. You may be asked to exercise or adjust your activity level 在 the test.
  • Keep a diary of what activities you do while wearing the monitor, 你的感受, 还有你的任何症状. This will help your health care provider match symptoms with your monitor findings.
  • The monitoring station staff will tell you how to transfer data over the telephone.
  • Your provider will look at the data and see if there have been any abnormal heart rhythms.
  • The monitoring company or the provider who ordered the monitor may contact you if a concerning rhythm is discovered.

佩戴该设备时, you may be asked to avoid certain things that can disrupt the signal between the sensors and the monitor. 这些可能包括:

  • 手机
  • 电热毯
  • 电动牙刷
  • 高压区域
  • 磁铁
  • 金属探测器

Ask the technician who attaches the device for a list of things to avoid.


Tell your provider if you are allergic to any tape or other adhesives.


这是一个无痛的测试. However, the adhesive of the electrode patches may irritate your skin. This goes away on its own once you remove the patches.



Most often, in people with frequent symptoms, a test called 霍尔特监控, which lasts 1 to 2 days, will be performed before using a cardiac event monitor. The event monitor is ordered only if no diagnosis is reached. The event monitor is also used for people who have symptoms that occur less often, 比如每周到每月.


  • 评估某人 心慌. Palpitations are feelings that your heart is pounding or racing or beating irregularly. 它们可以在你的胸部、喉咙或脖子上感觉到.
  • 找出a的原因 昏厥或接近昏厥发作.
  • 要查看 心跳 对于有心律失常危险因素的人.
  • 来监测你的心脏 心脏病 或者在开始或停止心脏药物时.
  • 要检查 起搏器 或者植入式的 心律转复除颤器 工作正常.
  • To look for the cause of a stroke when the cause cannot be easily found with other tests.


的正常变化 心率 与活动一起发生. A normal result is no significant changes in heart rhythms or pattern.


异常结果可能包括各种心律失常. Changes may mean that the heart is not getting enough oxygen.


  • 心房颤动或扑动
  • 多灶性房性心动过速
  • 阵发性室上性心动过速
  • 室性心动过速
  • 心率缓慢(心动过缓)
  • 心传导阻滞


There are no risks associated with the test, other than possible skin irritation.


柯蒂斯AB,托马塞利GF. 心律失常患者的治疗方法. In: Libby P, Bonow RO, Mann DL, Tomaselli GF, Bhatt DL, Solomon SD, eds. Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 12日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2022:chap 61.

鱼J. 电复律法. 见:福勒GC编. Pfenninger and Fowler's Procedures for 初级护理. 第四版. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 231.

李建军,李建军,李建军. Electrocardiographic monitoring: short- and long-term recording. 见:jaliife J, Stevenson WG编. Zipes and Jalife's Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside. 8日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2022:chap 62.

审核日期: 10/26/2022

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A开发的信息.D.A.M.公司. regarding tests and test results may not directly correspond with information provided by 加州大学旧金山分校健康. Please discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have.
